Title: The Deep (Tentative Title)
Genre: Music Video, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Bria James
Plot Synopsis: Girl finds her lover cheating on her. She goes crazy and plots to kill him. Set to Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Jamie xx Remix) ft. Childish Gambino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkTMj0McIvc
Title: Who Killed Hu?
Genre: Parody, Comedy, Mystery
Director: Shashi Dhar
Plot Synopsis: Various detectives from TV shows (Dexter, The Mentalist, Batman), taking a class at UMD, each try to solve the mystery behind the death of their classmate.
Title: Words on My Hands
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Director: Sarah Gizaw
Plot Synopsis: Girl is having trouble finding love due to the fact that her voice sounds like a man. She signs up for a sign language class and meets a deaf/mute boy. Everything goes well until he confesses that he could hear her the entire time. At firs she reacts in anger, but in the end she discovers the boy has the same condition (he sounds like a woman).
Title: John (Tentative Title)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Director: Bryant Jen
Plot Synopsis: A caretaker, only shown through close ups of his blue surgical gloves, looks after a catatonic young man named John. John sees an object that triggers him to search for answers. The answers he seeks, lie in the form of his suppressed memories and an event that changed his life.
Title: Stuck (Tentative Title)
Genre: Comedy, Sitcom, Drama
Director: Daniel Lerner
Plot Synopsis: A man who has recently suffered a breakup with his girlfriend is depressed and lost in his life. Although his friends attempt to reach out to him, he is not willing to make an effort and meet them half way. One day, he finds that his life has become a sitcom, complete with jokes, a laugh track, and better lighting. When he realizes that, within the sitcom, his girlfriend is once again with him, he decides to accept his new life. Soon, however, he realizes that life in a sitcom is incomplete when everyone he cares about appears to develop one-dimensional personalities. Knowing that his life is lacking in the very flaws that made it meaningful, he must reevaluate who he is and what he wants in order to escape his newfound nightmare.
Title: Angels in the Solo Cup (Tentative Title)
Genre: Sports, Comedy, Drama
Director: Drew Farrell
Plot Synopsis: Two college students battle each other to a game of beer pong that will once and for all decide who is the best. Homage to Rocky in the story, visuals, montage scene, etc.
Title: Beside You (Tentative Title)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Director: Dhanesh Mahtani
Plot Synopsis: A girl's life takes a drastic turn when she is hit by a car. Her boyfriend is faced with the decision to stay with her or not after her paralysis is diagnosed as untreatable, but not permanent. He nurses her back to health as DeCadence sings an original song.
Genre: Music Video, Mystery, Thriller
Director: Bria James
Plot Synopsis: Girl finds her lover cheating on her. She goes crazy and plots to kill him. Set to Adele - Rolling in the Deep (Jamie xx Remix) ft. Childish Gambino http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mkTMj0McIvc
Title: Who Killed Hu?
Genre: Parody, Comedy, Mystery
Director: Shashi Dhar
Plot Synopsis: Various detectives from TV shows (Dexter, The Mentalist, Batman), taking a class at UMD, each try to solve the mystery behind the death of their classmate.
Title: Words on My Hands
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Director: Sarah Gizaw
Plot Synopsis: Girl is having trouble finding love due to the fact that her voice sounds like a man. She signs up for a sign language class and meets a deaf/mute boy. Everything goes well until he confesses that he could hear her the entire time. At firs she reacts in anger, but in the end she discovers the boy has the same condition (he sounds like a woman).
Title: John (Tentative Title)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Director: Bryant Jen
Plot Synopsis: A caretaker, only shown through close ups of his blue surgical gloves, looks after a catatonic young man named John. John sees an object that triggers him to search for answers. The answers he seeks, lie in the form of his suppressed memories and an event that changed his life.
Title: Stuck (Tentative Title)
Genre: Comedy, Sitcom, Drama
Director: Daniel Lerner
Plot Synopsis: A man who has recently suffered a breakup with his girlfriend is depressed and lost in his life. Although his friends attempt to reach out to him, he is not willing to make an effort and meet them half way. One day, he finds that his life has become a sitcom, complete with jokes, a laugh track, and better lighting. When he realizes that, within the sitcom, his girlfriend is once again with him, he decides to accept his new life. Soon, however, he realizes that life in a sitcom is incomplete when everyone he cares about appears to develop one-dimensional personalities. Knowing that his life is lacking in the very flaws that made it meaningful, he must reevaluate who he is and what he wants in order to escape his newfound nightmare.
Title: Angels in the Solo Cup (Tentative Title)
Genre: Sports, Comedy, Drama
Director: Drew Farrell
Plot Synopsis: Two college students battle each other to a game of beer pong that will once and for all decide who is the best. Homage to Rocky in the story, visuals, montage scene, etc.
Title: Beside You (Tentative Title)
Genre: Mystery, Thriller
Director: Dhanesh Mahtani
Plot Synopsis: A girl's life takes a drastic turn when she is hit by a car. Her boyfriend is faced with the decision to stay with her or not after her paralysis is diagnosed as untreatable, but not permanent. He nurses her back to health as DeCadence sings an original song.