This is a reminder that we have a very important meeting on this Thursday, October 6 at 7 pm in 3203 ASY (Same time and Place as last time). Everyone who was placed in group has to come. This is very important. You would be meeting with your other group members and actually begin to plan out the entire filming process. We would also be talking about script writing. As said earlier, we would want the scripts to be done within 2 weeks. That being said, we have a Casting Call on Friday, October 14 from 5-7 pm and Saturday, October 15 from 12-3 pm (Facebook Event) to which team leaders must be present. If the team leaders can not be present, another member of the group would need to come. Remember this is to help you all out. Again, I can't stress enough for all group members attend this Thursday's meeting. If you are not placed in a group, please come to the meeting and we can get that all situated.